Immediately after reporting that an individual, named Imad Amhaz, whom Shayaret Matkal, an elite Israeli special forces unit, rescued from Batroun, Lebanon, is a Hizbollah double agent, Twitter/X suspended Eric Giannini’s account.
The post below is made by an Israeli gaslighting account. Stylized to appear as though against the Israel’s occupation of the Gaza Strip, the account features posts in which H.T.S. is depicted favorably against the backdrop of ISIS music. The account often uploads videos of Saddam Hussein. In at least one of the Saddam Hussein videos uploaded to the account, Hussein lectures his general staff on how the Iranian regime is not an Islamic regime, since its continued imprisonment of Iraqi prisoners of war (as this was during the Iraqi-Iranian war prior to the collapse of the Soviet Union) violated Sharia. The account features Israel’s IDF prominently into posts where the IDF is described as the ‘occupation army,’ mimicking the language Arabic newscasters deploy in regards to the IDF.
The account made a post about Shayaret Matkal, an elite Israeli special forces unit, that recently entered from Batroun, Lebanon to search “13 buildings” in pursuit of a Hizbollah operative. Israel rarely, if ever, makes amphibious landings into Lebanon, since these landings are extremely dangerous; rarely, if ever, does Israel capture Hizbollah operatives. In addition, the Israelis, who never risk the lives of Shayaret Matkal to interrogate a single Hizbollah operative, coordinated the amphibious landing with the German navy, an extreme rarity. It is almost always the case that Hizbollah operatives are assassinated in high precision strikes. The uniqueness of the raid makes it clear that the ‘kidnapping’ is clearly a rescue operation.
It is likely that the Amhaz Imad Fadel, as depicted below in his Lebanese identification card, is a Hizbollah double agent, whose leaks of information from the ‘Party of God’ (i.e., Hizbollah) to Israel’s Mossad facilitated advanced high precision strikes, including but not limited to, Hassan Nasrallah’s assassination. While many Lebanese uploaded videos of attacks on Lebanese suspected of coordinating actions with the Israeli Mossad, these suspects likely never played a part. It is more likely that Fadel is the major source of leaks on the vast majority of the targets the IDF struck during the course of its expansion of the 2023 Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip into southern Lebanon. It could be that Fadel played a part in the procurement of the pagers. Fadel, for instance, does not appear to have been struck by a pager. Why was he not, if so many others were?
Fadel’s rescue operation occurred immediately prior to the end of the U.S. elections. Its expected winner, Donald J Trump, has already asked for the war to end. In office, Trump will likely put the kibosh on the Lebanese war. In a recent interview with Tucker Carlson, Trump criticized American foreign policy in the Middle East for “bombing the entire” region with “nothing show” for the bombings, lamenting how “to the victors goes the spoils.” Since the preferred candidate for a post-Hizbollah regime in Lebanon, Aoun, would need to maintain control over the critical gas reserves shared with Israel in the Mediterranean for his rule over the country, there is little to nothing to gain in terms of raw materials in the Lebanese war. According to his statements, Trump would therefore view the Lebanese war fruitless.
In the days leading up to the alleged kidnapping, Imad Ahmaz moved into a new apartment in Batroun, Lebanon, according to a report published on Maariv. 12 kilometers from the center of Beirut, the area in which the new apartment is located is under the control of the Lebanese Army. It is uncommon for Hizbollah agents to live in areas under the control of the Lebanese Army for security reasons.
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